What Can I Expect During My Puppy or Kitten’s First Vet Visit?

Welcome to the exciting journey of being a pet parent to a new puppy or kitten! The first few weeks are crucial for their health and well-being, and one of the most important steps you can take is scheduling their first vet visit. In this article, we’ll walk you through what you can expect during your furry friend’s initial trip to the veterinarian’s office.

Your Puppy or Kitten’s First Vet Visit

1. Making the Appointment

Scheduling your puppy or kitten’s vet visit is the first step toward proactive pet healthcare. Reach out to a trusted veterinary clinic specializing in kitten and puppy care in Wisconsin Dells with exceptional services catered to your pet’s needs.

What to Include in the Appointment Request

  • Pet’s Information: Include your pet’s name, age, and breed to help the veterinary clinic prepare for your puppy or kitten’s specific care requirements and developmental stages.
  • Description of Concerns or Reasons for Visit: Provide a brief overview of any specific concerns, symptoms, or issues you have noticed in your pet. This information helps the veterinary team understand the primary focus of the visit and prepare accordingly to address your pet’s health needs.
  • Preferred Date and Time: Specify your preferred date and time for the appointment, considering your schedule and any specific requirements or urgency related to your pet’s health. Providing a few alternative options can facilitate finding a suitable appointment slot.

2. Preparing for the Visit

To ensure a seamless and comfortable experience for your puppy or kitten during their veterinary visit, it’s essential to prepare adequately beforehand. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Gather Important Documents: Collect your pet’s medical records, including any previous vaccination records and details of past medical treatments. Providing this information to the veterinarian can offer valuable insights into your pet’s health history and aid in making informed healthcare decisions.
  • Organize Information About Your Pet’s Diet: Note down details about your pet’s current food and diet, including the brand of food, feeding schedule, and any dietary restrictions or specific nutritional requirements. This information can help the veterinarian assess your pet’s overall health and provide tailored dietary recommendations, if necessary.
  • Prepare Your Pet for the Visit: Familiarize your puppy or kitten with their carrier or crate in the days leading up to the visit. Encourage positive associations by placing treats or toys inside the carrier to create a comfortable and inviting environment. Additionally, consider placing a familiar blanket or toy inside the carrier to give your pet a sense of security and comfort during the journey and the visit to the veterinary clinic.

3. The Examination Process

During your puppy or kitten’s first vet visit, you can expect the following:

  • Weighing and Measuring: The veterinary staff will carefully weigh and measure your pet to monitor their growth and development. Regular assessments of your pet’s weight and measurements help track their overall health and ensure they meet the appropriate growth milestones.
  • Comprehensive Physical Examination: The veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination, examining your pet from head to tail. This examination will involve assessing your pet’s eyes, ears, mouth, skin, coat, and limbs for any signs of abnormalities, such as infections, injuries, or skin conditions.
  • Vaccination Discussion: The vet will discuss the importance of pet vaccination and create a tailored vaccination schedule based on your puppy or kitten’s specific needs. Factors such as their age, lifestyle, and the prevalent diseases in your location will be considered to ensure they receive the necessary protection against common infectious diseases.
  • Parasite Prevention Assessment: The veterinarian will evaluate the risk of common parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and worms, that can affect your pet’s health. They will recommend appropriate preventive measures, such as topical treatments, oral medications, or vaccinations, to protect your pet from these parasites and reduce the risk of related health complications.
  • Dental Assessment: The veterinarian may conduct a brief dental assessment to evaluate the oral health of your puppy or kitten. They will examine the teeth and gums for signs of dental issues, such as misalignment, plaque buildup, or gum inflammation. The vet may also recommend proper dental care and discuss the importance of establishing good oral hygiene practices for your pet.
  • Behavioral and Developmental Evaluation: The veterinary team may assess your pet’s behavior and developmental progress to ensure they meet key milestones for their age. They will discuss aspects such as socialization, training, and behavioral patterns, offering guidance on promoting positive behaviors and addressing concerns about your pet’s social and cognitive development.

4. Additional Tests and Procedures

Depending on your pet’s requirements, the vet may suggest additional tests or procedures, such as

  • Basic Laboratory Tests: The veterinary team may recommend basic laboratory tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, and fecal examination, to assess your pet’s overall health and detect any underlying health issues, such as infections, parasites, or abnormalities in blood cell counts. These tests at a veterinary diagnostic laboratory can provide valuable insights into your pet’s internal health and help ensure early detection and timely treatment of potential health concerns.
  • Microchipping: Your veterinarian may advise implanting a microchip for your pet’s permanent identification, providing a reliable method for reuniting you with your pet if it happens to get lost. The microchip, a tiny electronic device implanted under your pet’s skin, contains a unique identification number that can be scanned by animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and other animal welfare organizations to retrieve your contact information.
  • Scheduling Future Appointments: Before leaving the veterinary clinic, you will receive guidance on scheduling follow-up visits, vaccinations, and preventive treatments for your pet. The veterinary team will provide recommendations for maintaining your pet’s health and well-being, including the appropriate timing for booster vaccinations, wellness examinations, and ongoing preventive care measures tailored to your puppy or kitten’s needs.


Your puppy or kitten’s first vet visit is an important step towards building a foundation of good health for them. By familiarizing yourself with the process, preparing in advance, and choosing a reliable veterinarian, you’re ensuring a positive experience for you and your furry friend. Remember, a proactive approach to pet care and beyond is key to their long and happy life.