Despite many people being pet lovers, dogs sometimes do things that aren’t likable and loveable. According to a study, 75% of pet parents like to change and fix their pet’s unwanted behaviors. If you’re a pet owner having a hard time with your furry companion’s annoying antics, you’re not alone. Fortunately, some unwanted dog habits can be tamed with reward-based training and strategies to alleviate your concern.
So let’s talk about the common dog behaviors pet parents often struggle with.
Unhealthy Dog Behaviors You Should Watch Out for
When you adopt a dog, whether a puppy or a fully-grown one, it’s inevitable to witness annoying and troublesome behaviors. This is a normal thing to see. Pets are like kids that need to be taught and corrected to be well-behaved. Also, your canine’s unhealthy behavior will not go away on its own, so it’s up to you to help them. Below are five dog behavioral issues that need to be addressed.
1. Jumping Up
Jumping up is usually a dog’s way of welcoming its owners and looks cute for smaller dogs. However, they might also do the same to your visitors if this behavior is not corrected. Teaching them the stay and sit command can help stop jumping problems.
2. Begging for Food
Begging for food is easier to prevent than cure and is an inevitable part of pet ownership. You can prevent this habit from worsening by putting your pet away in a crate or room with chew toys to occupy themselves during your family’s meal time. By only letting your dog out when you’re finished eating, you’re training them to restrain themselves from begging or getting food despite being able to smell it.
When you do this, you and your family might have to endure a few days of persistent barking until your pet gets fully trained, but it’ll be worth it after.
It’s worth noting, though, that when your dog starts being lethargic and losing appetite altogether, it could be a symptom of underlying health issues and is considered among the common pet emergency cases. It’s even worse if they suddenly become anxious and overly sensitive, as this could be a sign of a major health issue. Take them to an emergency veterinarian for instant treatment and diagnosis of their disease.
3. Excessive Chewing
Chewing is normal and a part of how pets are wired. However, it can be problematic if it gets to the point where your dog is destroying your valuable belongings and causing a mess everywhere. When left ignored, excessive chewing can put them at risk of serious dental problems and inadvertently ingesting foreign objects. When this happens, you’ll need to take your pet to dog surgery specialists to attend to the problem.
This habit can be easily fixed by giving your pet appropriate and safe dog chew toys and keeping your personal things away. If you see them chewing the wrong thing, divert them and immediately replace it with a chew toy.
4. Annoying Hyperactivity
Hyper dogs are different from energetic ones. Energetic dogs have longer stamina but still get tired. However, hyperactivity is when pets do not switch off and become manic. This can be prevented by helping your pet burn excess energy. Refrain from feeding them caramel, candies, and sugary foods, as they fuel hyperactivity.
If your pet continues to be hyperactive despite your efforts, you can ask the veterinarian about it when you take them for a regular wellness exam. If you’re looking for facilities to examine your pet, you may search for “cat checkup near me” to see accurate results.
5. Stealing Food off Counters
Trainers usually call this behavior counter surfing. It’s a difficult habit to break because canines think they’ll get huge rewards by consuming whatever they can steal from the table.
Here are the best ways to help eliminate it:
- Never leave food unattended.
- Use baby fences to keep your pet from going to the kitchen when you’re not around to monitor them.
- The command “leave it” can also be helpful when you catch them stealing snacks that are not for them.
Unwanted behaviors are common in pet dogs. Feeling annoyed when your pet shows undesirable behaviors is normal, but sulking around will never fix the problem. You can follow the steps discussed above, but only your veterinarian can help you better if your pet’s behaviors exacerbate despite your efforts. In some cases, the veterinarian might recommend a professional dog trainer to curb your pet’s unwanted behaviors that are beyond your control.